The Army Ranger Lead the Way Fund’s Vital Initiatives

Allan L Pashcow
1 min readMar 26, 2022


Allan L. Pashcow is a longtime Long Island entrepreneur who guides Town Realty Co., LLC, where he emphasizes a portfolio-driven approach to residential real estate. Demonstrating a strong commitment to giving back, Allan L. Pashcow contributes to the Army Ranger Lead the Way Fund, which provides immediate support to veterans of the Special Operations Forces who have experienced wounds, injuries, or disease.

One of the fund’s initiatives is the Wounded Ranger Recovery program, which works with severely wounded soldiers throughout their process of rehabilitation. Primary avenues of financial support include a $5,000 casualty assistance grant for those wounded and killed in action. In addition, family members receive travel, accommodations, living expenses, and childcare support that enables them to be by their loved one’s side.

Another central program is Homes That Heal. Qualifying rangers with severe wounds are either provided with a custom-built residence or have their existing dwelling fully modified in ways that meet specific adaptive needs. These mortgage-free homes are handicap-accessible and equipped with remotely controlled heating and lighting.



Allan L Pashcow

A Long Island,, New York-based Certified Property Manager, Allan L. Pashcow is the managing general partner and owner of Town Realty Co., LLC.